January 70
Saving on Health Insurance in Hong Kong with NowCompare.com.hk
Health insurance is a critical aspect of financial planning, ensuring that individuals and families have access to quality healthcare without the burden of exorbitant medical expenses.
January 70
Recruitment of Ex-Metropolitan Police Detectives
Increasingly sophisticated scams and limited resources are some of the main challenges facing insurance companies.

老婆想幫啱啱出世嘅BB搵保險, 想喺坐月期間買咗去, NowCompare嘅同事好幫得手, 時間同溝通上都好就我老婆, 又有耐性, thanks!
多謝NowCompare EB team就住我哋group size同budget, 介紹咗我哋轉去一個又平d, coverage又好d嘅plan👍🏻
專業分析 滿分的服務!
我自己都格吓價, 同NowCompare買, 一年真係慳多咗3千蚊🤭
COVID之後想平平哋買份純醫保,唔該晒Jennifer嘅推介。Jennifer 十分專業。
留咗名之後幾個鐘就有專人contact, 好快就約到meeting (sorry 我遲到你哋都肯等), 多謝你哋嘅分析.